Again our heroes team up to save the galaxy, this time from the father of Peter (Chris Pratt), Ego (Kurt Russell). This movie has all our old beloved characters, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) the blue humanoid, Drax (Dave Bautista), the tattooed guardian, Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) the raccoon looking creature and Groot (voiced by Van Diesel). In addition to Ego, we have two other new characters, an empath named Mantis (Pom Klementieff), and Gamora's sister, Nebula (Karen Gillan). First our heroes are saved by Ego, and then betrayed by him, as he is hoping to use Peter to help him reshape the universe, destroying all life except himself and his son. Seems pretty demented. However, since Ego is an immortal, it makes his defeat pretty complicated. Yondu (Michael Rooker) the individual who kidnapped Peter when he was young, and emotional abused him, also plays an important part, that enables Peter to come to terms with his past, and understand what happened. The two sisters finally come to an understanding, after trying to kill each other most of their lives. Some of the funniest moments happen when the empath interprets the emotions of the others.
The think that makes this movie is the relationships between the characters. there is platonic love, admiration, friendship and camaraderie. In theaters now and good for a fun adventure.
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