Friday, April 30, 2021

TV Review: ****Wanda Vision

 I was a faithful watcher of WandaVision as the series ran on Disney +.  It was very hard to figure out at first, and was very confusing as they went through different decades of television sitcom styles.  However the characters are very intriguing with Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda and Paul Bettany as Vision.  The sit-con episodes center around them but Vision slowly realizes that things aren't as they seem.  The have twins, Billy and Tommy played by Julian Hilliard and  Jett Klyne, who age very quickly but have their own superpowers.  Kathryn Hahn plays Agnes, who plays an important part but unwilling to give the show away won't say more.  Teyonah Parris plays Monica Rambeau (a character introduced in Captain Marvel.) Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) also shows up.  She is a character from the Thor movies and has expertise on unnatural phenomena, because the town of Westview where everything takes place is very strange and has a protective energy field around it.  Rambeau and Lewis are studying this energy.  Another interesting additional character is Pietro, Wanda's twin brother who died at the end of Avengers Ultron.  However things are not quite right as he is played by Evan Peters, who played a similar character in X-men universe rather than Marvel.  With these characters we have the making of a very good time and that is was this series is; a very good time.  I really enjoyed myself.  It will be interesting to see how these characters play into future Marvel offerings.

Marvel Universe

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