Saturday, September 20, 2014

Movie Review: ***^ 'Neath the Arizona Skies, (John Wayne 1934)
'Neath the Arizona Skies, John Wayne, Lone Star Pictures, 1934.
This is another formula movie from Lone Star Pictures.  These movies always have the same theme, John Wayne is chased by either the law or the bad guys, he meets a girl, John Wayne resolves the conflict and he gets the girl.  In this case there are two girls, Nina, (Shirley Jean Rickert) a mixed blood child who Chris Morrell (John Wayne) has raised.  He has to find her White birth father so Nina can get access to her oil royalties money.  However the outlaw, Sam Black (Yakima Canutt) also have desires for the royalty money.  They are after Chris who gets away, but collapses from the consequences of a fight.  While he is unconscious, a bandit Jim Moore (Jay Wilsey) changes clothes with him.  He is then rescued and taken to the ranch of the brother of the outlaw, Clara Moore (Sheila Terry.)  Again there is lots of shooting and fighting.  There is double cross and horse chase.  There is even a jump into the lake at the end of the horse chase.  A couple danglers at the end, is Nina's father killed, is the brother killed?  They are both shot.
The little girl added something to this movie which makes it a bit more interested than the regular movie from Lone Star.

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