Saturday, November 2, 2013

Movie Review: ****^ Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)

This movie is very good, and brings Khan back to the Star Trek series.  Khan saved Star Trek (as an enterprise) at one point after the first movie did not do very well.  Khan brought some excitement to Star Trek, and it kept going from there.
This movie works because the enemy is within, and catches everyone off guard.  Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) is just as evil as the original Khan played by Ricardo Montalban.  However he is retaliating, which is what sets him off to become and enemy of The Federation.  From Wrath of Khan, the are a genetically engineered race, who were put into a frozen state.  Khan was found, and unfrozen.  The rest of the crew were put into torpedoes to be shot at the Klignons.  The battle follows the first Khan, loosely, with a few twists.  Perhaps the hype of Caleb was a bit overblown, but I can see why he said best ever.  This movie is very emotional, and yes Spock is emotional in his way.  It is also just as miraculous as the original series.  Chris Pine stars as Kirk, and Zachary Quinto as Spock.
Highly recommended.

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