Saturday, November 9, 2013

Movie Review: *****Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

First we loved the books, then the movies. This movie presents us with an imaginary world inside out regular world.  In this world there are sorcerers and sorceresses, and they live side by side regular folk without the regular folk knowing they are there. 
Harry(Daniel Radcliffe), although he has a destiny in this world, has been raised by his “regular” or “muggle” aunt and uncle.  They have not treated him kindly, spoiling their own boy while making harry live under the stairs.  Into this world is thrust a plethora of letters, inviting Harry to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft.  His aunt and uncle try to keep him from this fate, even escaping to an island in the sea.  To this island comes Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), on his flying motorcycle.  I love the part where he knocks down the door and then says, “Sorry about that.”  One of my favorite lines from the movie.  Harry is on his way to the witchcraft school, and he learns he has a special place in the witch’s world. 
He is a first year, and put into the house of Gryffindor.  Two friends he met on the train are also placed in this house, Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint).  The head of their house is Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith).  The headmaster of Slytherin House is Professor Snape (Alan Rickman).  Snape holds a bit of contempt for Harry, and Harry always misinterprets his intentions.  At school there is a mystery.  Someone let a troll into the house.  It was luck no one was killed.  However Hermione and the others determine someone is looking for the Sorcerer’s Stone, which will make someone immortal.  As they make this discovery, it falls on them to prevent the robbery of the stone.  They have to go through all the charms protecting the stone, following someone who has gone this way before them.  That someone turns out to be the professor of defense against the magical arts, Professor Quirrel (Ian Hart) who has been inhabited by the dark magician who must not be named.  The confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, he who must not be named, is classic.  It is a struggle between good and evil, and this movie is very tense to the end.  Richard Harris portray Professor Albus Dumbledore.

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