Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Movie Review: **Northanger Abbey (1987)

I found this movie in our home VCR collection.  It is a BBC movie.  This movie is so full of showing the dreams and fantasies of Miss Catherine Morland that it forgets to do a good job of telling the story. The story is very convoluted, but you do get that someone wants to court her, but is not very gentlemanly.  However the son of General Tilney is a gentleman.  General Tilney invites her to his home, thinking she is a woman of wealth, which she is not.  When the general discovers her true wealth, he kicks her out of the house, but too late, for his son is in love.  I wish this movie had focused less on the fantasy stuff.  It seemed every other frame there was a dream or a fantasy or something.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Miller I really hoped they would make a new version in the anniversary year of it's publication as I don't think there's been a really good adaptation of this book yet. Sadly, it didn't happen.
