Monday, April 7, 2014

Music Review: The Goat Rodeo Sessions (2011)

This is string quartet music with bass, cello, and fiddle or mandolin or guitar or banjo.  The artists are Edgar Meyer (bass), Chris Thile (Mandolin, fiddle, guitar), Stuart Duncan (fiddle, mandolin, banjo) and Yo-Yo Ma (cello).  Aoife O' Donovan joins them for a couple songs and provides vocals.  The first three artists are also listed as the composers.
This CD start out with a rousing number "Attaboy".  They do some interesting things with their instruments, especially the bass and it makes some strange and eerie sounds.  However the music pretty quickly falls into the pattern of repetition, and instead of creating an atmosphere of peace and relaxation it hits the "This is giving me a headache," or "This is putting me to sleep" mode rather quickly.  Some of the songs are just to slow to maintain interest.

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