Friday, September 20, 2013

Book Review: Rinkitink in Oz

Rinkitin in of Oz  was published in 1916 and was the tenth book in the series.  This tale is not really about Oz, but about three islands that are on the ocean which surrounds the dessert, which surrounds the land of Oz.  Regos and Coregos are islands next to each other, and ruled by a husband and wife who are conquering people.  They have long desired to conquer the island of Pingaree.  The island has been protected by three pearls, given him to the king by the mermaids.  The pearls give, superhuman strength, protection from harm and words of wisdom.  In the past, they had come to conquer the island, but the pearls protected them.  The pearls are hid in a secret cellar in the palace.  This time when the men of the Island of Regos come to conquer, it happens so fast, the king is unable to get to the pearls, and all the people are taken prisoner, back to be slaves .  Everyone is taken, except for Inga, the kings son who hid in a tree, Rinkitink (a visiting king from another island) who had fallen in a well, and Bilbil a talking goat.  Inga retrieves the pearls, and by virtue of the pear of wisdom it lead is lead to a boat.  They pursue the conquering kidnappers.
This story has a lot of neat adventures, as Inga searches for his parents.  It takes us to the islands, which he quickly conquers with his pearls, but then he loses his pearls and for a while has to make good with what people think he can do.  However even after he has conquered both islands, he still does not find his parents, who have been sent to the kingdom of the Nomes.  It is only here that we finally meet visitors from Oz, including Dorothy, who has brought a bunch of eggs with her just in case.

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