Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book Review: Glinda of Oz

This story starts with Ozma going to intervene in the possible war between two groups of people in her kingdom, The Flatheads (whose brains come in cans) and the Skeezers who live on an island in the middle of a lake.  The Flatheads tried to steal the fish in the lake, and the Queen of the Skeezers Cooeeoh cursed the king's wive making her a golden pig.  Ozma and Dorothy travel together, but they are not successful in stopping the war.  However this time the King of the Flatheads, Sudic, gets the upper hand, and turns Cooeeoh into a diamond swan.  The only problem is Ozma and Dorothy and stranded on the island, which Cooeeoh, using magic, had caused to sink into the lake to keep it safe.  Glinda and a concourse of help, including the Wizard and other dignitaries come to the rescue.  It takes some problem solving and help of all, including three Adepts of Magic who had been turned to fish for many years.
These are some quotes I enjoyed

Ozma explaining why doing everything through magic is not such a good idea:  “No, no Dorothy, that wouldn’t do at all.  Instead of happiness your plan would bring weariness to the world.  If every one could wave a wand and have his wants fulfilled there would be little to wish for.  There would be no eager striving to obtain the difficult, and the pleasure of earning something longed for, and only to be secured by hard work and careful thought, would be utterly lost.  There would be nothing to do you see, and no interest in life and in our fellow creatures.  That is all that makes life worth our while—to do good deeds and to help those less fortunate than ourselves.”
Sudic: “I’m sorry we couldn’t have roast pig,” said the Sudic, “but as the only pig we have is made of gold, we can’t eat her.  Also the Golden Pig happens to be my wife, and even were she not gold I am sure she would be too tough to eat.”
“It’s no use,” said Button Bright; “the old Swan is too much in love with herself to think of anything else.”

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