Sunday, March 9, 2014

Movie Reviews: ***^Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Tony and I saw the third installment of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.  We have seen them all together.  This movie is called "Dog Days" and deals with summer vacation.  These movies all deal with relationships and growing in these relationships.  This movie deals with Greg (Zachary Gordon) and his father (Steve Zahn).  How it is possible to disappoint at times, but still be loved.  Roderick (Devon Bostick), the oldest brother provides the comic relief.  He and his band and trying to impress girls.   When he and the girl he is trying to impress end up on the ground covered in chocolate, it is just funny, and even funnier when he has the presence of mind to ask for a date.

There is another part where Greg loses his swimsuit jumping off the diving board and ends up in the pool naked.  His suit is stuck on the high dive, and then thrown outside the pool by a girl.  He is stuck in the pool all day naked, until he is able to get a small pink suit and make it to the restroom.  I had nightmares of ending in a similar situation as a child.  I would recommend this movie, however the lead actor has out grown the part.  He is suppose to be in seventh grade, but looks like a high schooler.

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