Sunday, March 16, 2014

Movie Review: ***^Atlas Shrugged

This is the story from Ayn Rand about industrial espionage, and a government run amuck trying to pick the winners and the losers.  Atlas Shrugged II is coming out soon, so I wanted to watch this one first.  Dagny Taggert (Taylor Schilling) runs a train company which is in trouble.  Her brother is more interested in politics than actually leading.   She takes a risk on Rearden Steal.  Henry Rearden (Grant Bowler) takes a risk on her as well.  Together they make the fastest train in America, and have a success.  However the government is out to get them.  The government enacts laws to do just this, and in the end destroys the economic success of the country, resulting in more poor people and more people dependent on the government.  There is also a  redistributive factor mentioned in this movie.  Tax the wealthy states to give to the poor states.  This movie reminds me of presidential politics, with one candidate focused on redistribution and the other on creating an economic climate for success.

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