Friday, July 15, 2016

Movie Review: ****James Bond Spectre (2015)

Man Bond (Daniel Craig) delivers a punch.  Even when headquarters goes silent because all spy agencies have been compromised by Spectre which is putting dummy people in charge of the world's intelligence.  One major act, blowing up many towns, and they will be in.  The 007 program will be deleted.
But Bond is on the trail after seeing and old nemesis he killed 20 years prior.  How could that be.  Because of this lapse Bond is sent to the psychiatrist (Lea Seydoux) for examination.  Turns out to be his son (Christoph Waltz) He is humiliated, but when he sees the psychiatrist being kidnapped he rescues her.  She blames him for her trouble.  However she is helpful.  Her father was in Spectre.  She agrees to go with him to discover what happened to her father.  Spectre makes her watch the suicide of her father.  There is a terrible scene of Bond being tortured, with the girl and Bond's bomb watch saving the day.  However she eventually runs away from the spy life.  This time Bond needs help.  He goes after the bad guys, while C (Andrew Scott) and M (Ralph Fiennes) and Q (Ben Whishaw) must tackle the new intelligence man and stop the bombs by hacking their computer system. Turns out Bond also has to save the girl.
I don't think Bond is a movie for deep thinking, but just for enjoying the ride and the explosions.

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