Monday, October 10, 2016

Movie Review: ****^Unbroken

I knew this movie would be difficult to watch, and it was.  However it is an important movie.  It shows the experience of Louis Zamperini (Jack O'Connell) and his contact with Watanabe (Miyavi) a Japanese officer at the Japanese POW camps.  Louis had been an Olympic athlete.  He ran the 5000 M at the Berlin Olympic games in 1936, taking eighth.
During WWII he was aboard a Liberator plane which went down due to mechanical failure.  He and two others managed to get on two rafts.  They were strafed several times, but not hit.  They ate small fish, and birds that flew on their raft.  The captured rain water.  They went through a big storm, and survived.  However one of the crew men passed away.  Louis and his other companion were captured by the Japanese.  He was at several prisoner of war camps, and during this time was tortured by Watanabe.  Many times he was tested, as Watanabi wanted an excuse to kill him.  However Louis overcame.
After the war he was haunted by nightmares, and wanting to get even.  It wasn't until he turned his life to Christ that he was able to forgive and the nightmares went away.  He carried the torch for the 1998 WInter Olympics in Japan.  He tried to visit his captors, but Miyavi would not see him.

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