Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Picture Book Review: Curious George Gets a Medal

Curious George Gets a Medal, Margret and H.A. Rey, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1957.
Curious George is always able to get into trouble.  In this book one thing spirals into another.  First George wants to write a letter, but he gets ink on the carpet.  He needs to clean the carpet, with the hose and soap.  He floods the room, he needs to get the water out, so to the farmer's to borrow the pump, and a cow.  The farmers see him and give chase, so he hides, and jumps onto a truck going to the museum, where he sees coconuts on a tree.  He is hungry, and destroys an exhibit.  Now he is caught and in trouble.  However luck is on George's side.  He is going to test a rocket because he is the perfect size.
I like the way these stories roll form one adventure to another.  They are fun.

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