Sunday, January 20, 2019

Book Review: Trelian Trilogy by Michelle Knudsen

The Dragon of Trelian, Michelle Knudsen, Candlewick Press, Somerville, Mass., 2009.

This is a unique trilogy.  In this first book we are introduced to Calen and Meg, who become fast friends.  Calen is the apprentice to the castle mage; And Meg, actually Meglynne, is the princess.  However Meg is an unusual princess, she has a dragon, and they have formed a bond—which is life-long.  Calen advises her on the relationship as he studies book available through the apprentice.  They both develop in their abilities, and in the end, only working together are they able to overcome some of the hardships they face.  This includes their own safety, but also the safety of Meg’s sister, who is marrying the prince of the neighboring kingdom, and in doing so will help end a long war between the two kingdoms. 
The Princess of Trelian, Michelle Knudsen, Candlewick Press, Somerville, Mass., 2012.
Everything is upside down in this second version of Trelian, especially at the Magistratum, which of itself has come under attack from some unknown magical force.  Calen is not exactly blamed, but he is implied.  Through seer saying the magistratum is convinced that Calen will be a force for evil against them.  And in the end this appears correct.  Meg’s younger sister is kidnapped, and Meg’s dragon accused of doing harm to a kingdom which is bent on revenge.  And Meg, in rescuing her sister, starts the war that will allow the evil exiled mage  Krelig to return.  What is worse, Calen leaves with Krelig in the end to become his apprentice.
The Mage of Trelian, Michelle Knudsen, Candlewick Press, Somerville, Mass., 2016.
Finally the book where everything comes together.  Meg must train with the dragon, because they will play a big part in the wars.  But more important, the mages train for a mage war.  Calen finally escapes from the evil mage Krelig, and teaches the other mages what to expect.  It is only this alliance that gives them some hope.  In the end it is Krelig's lust for revenge that does him in. 

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