Monday, November 5, 2018

Book Review: Charlie Bone and the Red Knight

Charlie Bone and the Red Knight: Children of the Red King Book 8 by Jenny Nimmo, Orchard Books, New York, 2009.

This is the concluding book to this series, and positively the most exciting.  Everything that happens during the first seven book culminates in this book.  First there is the business of rescuing Billy who is in the Kingdom of "The Shadow."  Charlie actually accomplishes this, but at the same time brings back the shadow, who disguises himself as a fly, and returns with Charlie and Billy. 
The dark forces have been mustering.  This includes Charlie's aunts and grandmother.  However it also includes a boy who can animate statues, a girl who can put magic into clothing--and does this to capture the loyalty of Olivia, a man who controls the seas, and Charlie's parents are supposedly on a sea voyage, and many others.  There are also many unsavory characters gathering, some with powers and some without, as a result of their ancestor having joined them.

However, some of the children who have fought for evil change their loyalty.  This includes the son of the sea controller, who in a previous book almost killed Tancred.  However, the individual who is a mystery until the end is a Red Knight, who darts in to defend the people fighting with Charlie Bone.  He wears the Red King's robe with its magical powers, and wields a magical sword.  Count Harken fancies himself a swordsmen, and the two meet on the battlefield.  Charlie Bone distracts the count just enough so the Red Knight is able to gain the victory.  The Red Knight turns out to be his father.  Someone else has been on the boat garnering the attention of those who would kill them.  The son bests the father, and all looks to be right.  The last confrontation is over a will, the Boors hoped would not come to light.  This shows the academy to actually belong to the Bones and not the Bloors.  The still resist, but the dog has had enough and pushes the master off the balcony, who lands on his grandson expiring them both. 

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