This movie stars Charles Bronson as Bill Hickok and Will Sampson as Crazy Horse. However they are both keeping their names hush hush; Hickok because of his part, and Crazy Horse because he is told not to use his name until he kills the white buffalo. Part of this movie were not very well done, including the White Buffalo attack of the Indian village that killed Cray Horse's child. Even Tony noticed that. It was flashes of the buffalo and then blood. However is is because of this incident Crazy Horse is given his task of killing the white buffalo and his name is changed to "worm" until he does so. At the same time, Hickok has ben seeing the white buffalo in his dreams. Hickok if joined by his friend, Charlie Zane (Jack Warden).
There are also several cameos: Slim Pickens as the stage coach driver, John Carradine as the undertaker, Kim Novak as the female interest and Clint Walker as the man who wants to kill Hickok.
However this movie is more than three men chasing a white buffalo, which can cause earthquakes and avalanches. It turns out in the end to be about relationships, and personal growth, for both Crazy Horse and Hickok. Zane, the old timer, does not go along, and in the end Hickok loses a friend in Zane and gains one in Crazy Horse.
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