Monday, February 24, 2014

Book Review: The Seeing Stone: Spiderwick Chronicles (2)

Spiderwick Chronicles: The Seeing Stone  This second book of five of the Grace children, Mallory and the twins, Simon and Jared, may have been better called “The Spit of the Hobgoblin” because the seeing stone is one way the see the faeries, but you have to look through the stone, after the hobgoblin spits in your eye you have the seeing power permanently. 
This second adventure has more action than the first.  Jared is warned to get rid of the field guide he found in the first book, but he doesn’t do so.  The knowledge contained in the book would give an unfair advantage to whoever possesses it.  Mugarath, a shape shifting ogre wants the guide.  He sends a group of goblins to get it.  The haul off Simon, after first having gotten his cat.  Mallory and Jared take after them, with only one seeing stone between them.  Mallory has her fencing sword, which isn’t very good weapon as the point is blunted.  The first run into a troll, and barely escape her by going around, the then come upon the scene of the goblins, with Simon and other animals hanging in cages, while they are roasting another cat over the fire.  Hogsqueal is also in a cage, our hobgoblin.  He helps the Grace children for his own freedom.  They get Simon out of the cage, and are headed for a freedom when the goblins notice them.  Only the hobgoblin distracting them by eating their dinner allows them to escape.  They then lead the goblins past the troll (who makes an agreement to let them pass for more meaty flesh coming after) who takes care of them.  They also rescue a griffin who had been injured by the goblins, and Simon takes it upon himself to nurse it back to health.

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