Lots of interesting action in this movie, and lots of heroes. Hela (Cate Blanchett) is back. She is the oldest daughter of Odin (Anthony Hopkins), and served at his side during Odin's warring period. However as Odin became more peaceful, and Hela wished to continue warring, she was confined. Now she is back, and the first thing she does is destroy Thor's hammer and then banish Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to a throw away world. There Loki takes up politics, and Thor becomes a gladiator and set to face The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). The Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) of the games likes his champion and makes sure Hulk wins. But the Hulk takes Thor to his room, where Thor plans his escape with Hulk and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) his captor, who is also from Asgard. They refuse, but he leaves anyway, towards Hulk's space ship to get off the planet. Hulk follows him. Hulk has been the Hulk steady for over two years, but in the spacecraft he hears the voice of Natasha Romanoff, and converts to Bruce Banner. Then Loki and Valkyrie also show up, but they need a better vessel to get through a worm hole, and Loki helps them steal a vessel, but he has turning over Thor on his mind. This is thwarted, and he is left with the escaping slaves of the planet. Thor makes it back to Asgard, just in time, as Hela has control, and is about to wrest the sword controlling the bridge from Heimdall (Idris Elba). This paves the way to a great struggle. Hela is just too powerful, except for maybe against, Surtur, who according to prophesy will destroy Asgard.
This movie takes a plot change at the end, and desperate measure are needed to rescue the people of Asgard.
Tony and I saw this, and we had a good time. Loved the action, and the characters, and also the banter between Thor and Hulk.